We are currently CLOSED to submissions
We will be open to submissions October 7, 2024, through October 13, 2024 for the March 2024 release.
Send your submission in the body of a plain text email to submit@daikaijuzine.org. Include the word “Submission” and the title of your submission in your subject line; otherwise, your submission may not make it to our editors. Submissions sent to any other Daikaijuzine address will not be considered
Please make sure you read and understand the following guidelines before you do so, though. Especially the part about buying antique weaponry for the entire editorial board if you don’t properly space your paragraph breaks.
We do not accept submissions written by AIs or assisted by AIs. We are a human-centric publication. By humans, for humans. If we accept a piece that we later discover was written by an AI, the piece will be pulled, the contract voided, and the author blacklisted from further submissions.
Daikaijuzine actively seeks submissions from writers of all backgrounds, including people of backgrounds that have been historically underrepresented or excluded from traditional publishing, including, but not limited to, women, people of color, LGBTQ or non-binary gender people, persons with disabilities, members of religious minorities, and people from outside the United States. Our goal is to publish fiction that reflects the diversity of the human race, so we strongly encourage submissions from these or any other underrepresented groups.
We are eager to accept submissions by new and unpublished writers as well as previously published writers.
Length: 1,000 to 6,000 words
Daikaijuzine seeks diversity in content and storytelling. We publish primarily speculative fiction, from horror to hard science fiction to high fantasy to mysteries to magical realism to mainstream, but we have room for other types of fiction as well. If superheroes or zombies or giant monsters are your thing, that’s fine too. We want stories that are well told, with strong characters and storylines, demonstrate respect for the reader and the language, and which are fun to read. Challenge us. Stretch our horizons. Make us think. At the very least, give us a good laugh.
Flash Fiction
Length: Up to 1,000 words
Guidelines for fiction, above, also apply to flash fiction. Flash fiction should be up to 1,000 words. More than that, and we call it a short story.
Poems should be no more than a page. Subject matter is open, though should contain some speculative content, and you may submit up to five poems per submission.
Artwork, Audio, and Other Media
We are currently not accepting artwork or other media.
We plan on purchasing five to ten stories and articles quarterly.
We are happy to receive stories, poems, and articles which have already been published elsewhere, including even on your Patreon page. Simultaneous submissions must be indicated as such in a cover letter. We do not accept multiple submissions; one at a time, please. Finally, please do not resubmit stories that we have already rejected no matter how much you have revised them, unless we specifically ask for it.
We pay $10.00 for each short story, and $5.00 for each poem and flash fiction piece. Payment is through PayPal exclusively, unless other arrangements are made. Payments left unclaimed after one month will be rerouted to pay for hosting and other costs.
A sample contract is available upon request, even if you don’t plan to submit to us. Send an email to inquiries@daikaijuzine.org.
We purchase Nonexclusive One-Time Electronic (World Wide Web) Publishing Rights, which means that will publish your work once on our website. All other rights, including the right to reprint material published on Daikaijuzine, revert to the author immediately after publication. All works published on Daikaijuzine are archived indefinitely, though may be removed at the author’s request.
Bear in mind that most publications will not publish pieces that have been published in print, eBook, or on the web, so for all intents and purposes after your work is published by us it can only be marketed as a reprint, which severely limits the number of markets that will accept it, and drastically reduces the pay rate it can receive. It is up to you, the author, to decide if publishing your work in print and/or eBook formats and/or on the web, giving up your First Publishing Right for no and/or a token payment, is really what you want to do.
Daikaijuzine is published in the United States, and abides by US Copyright Law.
Your submission should be in the body of an email message. In your message, make sure you include your name, your address, your email address, the title of your story, your pen name (if you use one), and your word count. When pasting in the content of your manuscript, please leave a single blank line in between each paragraph of your story. Make sure you put the word “Submission”, followed by the title of your submission in the subject line, e.g., “Submission: The Fox’s Wedding”. Otherwise your submission runs the risk of being dumped by our spam filters, and we may not even know you’ve submitted something. Indicate italics by enclosing the phrase to be italicized in underscores, _like this_. Likewise, indicate bold by enclosing the phrase with asterisks, *like this*.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, sexual violence and so on. They may show up as elements in your submission, but if your story or poem or article pushes any of these as an agenda, it will be rejected with prejudice.
For legal reasons, we cannot accept fanfic or stories that make use of established intellectual properties, so please don’t send us your Spock/Geralt slashfic.